(Pictores from Erich Kästners "Die Schule der Diktatoren" in wintersemester 2018/19 - Fotos: privat)
AKademy of Acting Arts - Theatre group of the ESG Bonn
The Academy of Acting Arts is the theatre ensemble of the ESG Bonn. We are performing since the end of the eighties. We are one of the oldest student-influenced amateur theatre groups in Bonn. Every semester ESG offers time and place to try yourself on stage or to help with theatre production.
Since many things are different right now and we are expericening a lot of chances, we do not know either, to which destination the future will lead us, but we'd be glad if you contact us for any questions you have.
Contact for further information: kontakt(at)akademytheater.de & www.akademytheater.de